Wufoo + Zapier

Wufoo + Zapier

At 3/31/2024

Wufoo has always been great with integrations. They have integrations with specific apps, like Campaign Monitor, Mailchimp, and Typekit, but they also integrate with Zapier, which is sort of like an integration inside an integration.

That’s kinda meta, but the idea is actually pretty straightforward: Wufoo integrates with Zapier, which integrates with a gazillion (yes, I did the math) other apps. That opens up a whole world of possibilities for what you can do with a Wufoo form.

Some interesting ones:

  • Trigger an email to send to someone from Campaign Monitor or Mailchimp when they’ve submitted the form.
  • Collect submissions in a Google Sheet to build you own database of entries.
  • Automatically create a card in Trello once the form has been submitted.
  • Add the person who is submitting the form to a contact list in Salesforce.
  • Push notifications to Slack once someone completes the form.

Wufoo shared their own list of ideas. Let’s sum them up here:

  • Wufoo + your customer relationship management (CRM) tool
  • Wufoo + your email tool
  • Wufoo + your file storage tool
  • Wufoo + your website-building tool
  • Wufoo + your project management tool
  • Wufoo + your calendar tool
  • Wufoo + your spreadsheet tool

That one about website-building tools is pretty sweet. This lets Wufoo hook up to something, say WordPress, so that you can do something like publish a new page for every submission. Think about that. You have one integration to send an email to the user when they submit the form and perhaps it contains a link to a personalized page. Voltron powers, unite!


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