WordPress-Powered Landing Pages on a Totally Different Site via Cloudflare Workers

WordPress-Powered Landing Pages on a Totally Different Site via Cloudflare Workers

At 3/31/2024

What if you have some content on one site and want to display that content on another site? We can do this in the browser no problem. We can fetch it, and plunk it onto the page.

Ajax, right? Ugh. Now we’re in client-side rendered site territory, which isn’t great for performance, speed, or resiliency.

What if we could fetch that content and stitch it into the main page on the server side? Server side isn’t the right word for it though. What if we could do it at the global CDN level? Do it at the edge, as they say. That’s what we’ve been doing at CodePen, so we can build pages with the lovely WordPress block editor but serve them on our main site.

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