Responsive Design Workshop in Denver

Responsive Design Workshop in Denver

At 4/19/2024

Last year, the kind folks at UIE invited me to give a workshop entitled When Responsive Design Meets the Real World at their UX Immersion Mobile conference in Seattle.

The workshop was a blast. People seemed to enjoy it.

But despite that I was honored and surprised that the folks at UIE invited me back to UXIM 2014 to present an updated version of the workshop.

Not only that, but they created a neat animated video about the talk.

I wasn’t sure what to expect from the animation. I did an interview with Jared Spool for the UIE Podcast (available for your listening pleasure now), and at the end of the podcast, they asked me to talk for a couple of minutes about the workshop and they would “animate it”.

I think it turned out pretty well. I literally laughed out loud at the person hitting their head against the wall. Let’s just say that it wasn’t hard to see myself in a character with a round head and no hair.

UXIM looks great again this year. Lots of great speakers and in-depth workshops. If this sounds like something of interest to you, you can register for UXIM using the code “SPKUXIM” and save $200 off the full conference price.

I’d love to see you in Denver.


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