Progressive Web Apps Book Now Available!
At 4/19/2024
The book I spent the last year of my life working on is finally out. It’s called Progressive Web Apps and it is available in paperback and ebook formats. I wrote the book for teams grappling with what progressive web apps are and how to use them.
The book launch on Monday happened to coincide with the first day of the Chrome Dev Summit. Google gave a copy of the book to every conference attendee. It was surreal to see the book handed out as swag to hundreds of people.
Despite the fact that Google ordered hundreds of copies, there weren’t enough books for everyone who wanted one. By the middle of the first day, I had talked to attendees, and even some Google employees, who were disappointed that they had missed out.
And a huge 🎉🎉🎉 @grigs for his Progressive Web Apps book release today! I failed to get my copy at #ChromeDevSummit today cuz I was late but I will get one!
— Tomomi Imura ☕ (@girlie_mac) November 13, 2018
I took a risk in writing a book that was unlike other PWA books. It doesn’t have code in it. It focuses less on the how of PWAs and more on the why an organization would want to build one and what the PWA should do. I wasn’t sure how it would be received.
So it was gratifying to receive positive feedback from people at the Chrome Device Summit. I couldn’t have asked for a better first day for the book.
Portland Book Launch Party
The book launch festivities aren’t over yet. We’re having a book launch party tomorrow night in conjunction with the Frontend PDX Meetup.
The party takes place at Uncorked Studios located at 811 SE Stack. Doors open at 6 pm.
If you’re interested, please RSVP on the Frontend PDX Meetup page. I hope to see you tomorrow night!