Legacy Application Modernization: That Thing We Do
At 4/19/2024
On Halloween, I asked a question that had been haunting us, “What do you call this thing we do?” There was a type of project that we seem to excel at, but that we didn’t know how to describe. So we asked if you had ideas.
Thankfully you did. We received many helpful suggestions. And after much discussion and research, we settled on Legacy Application Modernization.
What does legacy application modernization mean? Typically, it involves a successful application that is limited by the technology used to build it. In order to grow, reach new customers, and keep existing users happy, the application needs to be transformed and modernized.
If you want to learn more about what this entails, we have a new page on describing our legacy application modernization service.
We’ve also been revisiting some of our past legacy application modernization work and have published a new case study about one of our favorite projects: ImageQuix.
It’s not every day that you get to redesign an application used by thousands of photographers while also pushing the boundaries of what people think is possible on the web.
The new, modern web application was a success on several fronts. Customers praised the efficiency of the unified workflow and increased sales. And ImageQuix itself became an attractive acquisition target which led to a successful exit for its founder.
I want to thank you all again for helping us figure out what to call these types of projects. And if I could beg one more favor of you, I would ask that if you know of a legacy application in need of modernization, would you please send them our way. As always, we greatly appreciate your help.