Learn Eleventy From Scratch

Learn Eleventy From Scratch

At 3/31/2024

The latest edition of Andy Bell’s Piccalilli landed in my inbox this morning with a sweet offer: preorder Andy’s course on learning Eleventy from scratch at a third of the price.

Why the plug? No, not sponsorships or anything like that. I just happen to hear a heckuva lot about Eleventy these days. Like how we can use it with Google Sheets as a pseudo-CMS. Or how it can be a key component of an emergency website kit. I mean, geez, Chris even used it for the conferences site we have around here. As Andy says, “the future is bright because the future is static.” At least, it certainly appears that way.

I’m squarely in the novice camp when it comes to Eleventy, not to mention static site generators as a whole. That’s why I signed up for the course. It promises to be a deep dive that starts with an empty directory and goes all the way to full-blown website. Given that Andy has created more Eleventy sites than most folks (seriously, it’s documented) and that his Eleventy-powered Piccalilli site notches perfect Lighthouse scores, I think he’ll have a lot to offer in a course.

While we’re on the topic of Eleventy, there are other guides, tutorials and courses out there you might find compelling:

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