Introducing Leveller: Please Avoid Using It

Introducing Leveller: Please Avoid Using It

At 4/19/2024

This happens to me over and over: I have a multi-column grid of tiles, each with varying heights. This means the bottom of certain rows can appear jagged and difficult to scan visually:

See the Pen Leveller: Before by Tyler Sticka (@tylersticka) on CodePen.

Ideally, I’d use flexbox to solve that problem with a shockingly small amount of CSS (especially if you use Autoprefixer). Seriously, look how well that works:

See the Pen Leveller: Flexbox Alternative by Tyler Sticka (@tylersticka) on CodePen.

Sadly, that solution rarely makes it into production on the projects I’ve worked on. Sometimes browser support is the culprit. Other times we’ve inherited particularly uncooperative grid patterns (either from an existing project, or an overzealous framework).

Over the last few years, I wrote and re-wrote project-specific, bespoke JavaScript to solve this problem. I’ve finally accepted that it isn’t going away, at least not as quickly as I’d like it to.

So I’ve written a jQuery plugin for equalizing element heights. It’s called Leveller:

See the Pen Leveller: After by Tyler Sticka (@tylersticka) on CodePen.

Don’t use Leveller if you can help it. Flexbox is way more appropriate. If you only need to adjust min-height properties, Equalizer is a leaner, dependency-free solution.

But if all else fails, Leveller is available now on GitHub (and also via npm). Godspeed!


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