A New Resource for Boosting Your Website’s Performance

A New Resource for Boosting Your Website’s Performance

At 4/19/2024

Image with a thumbnail of the Performance Checklist document with a purple gradient background

We’ve all encountered slow websites, sometimes forcing us to abandon our carts to head for speedier competitors. But knowing exactly what’s slowing down your own site and how to fix it can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack

If you’ve felt the daunting task of improving your site’s speed weigh heavily on your shoulders, you’re not alone. With an expansive universe of frameworks, plugins, media, custom and third-party scripts, it’s no wonder so many of us struggle to fine-tune our sites. Where do we even start?

We’ve been there and we understand the challenges many face when analyzing a slow site. We’ve distilled our experience and knowledge into a practical tool: a downloadable performance checklist. This isn’t a magic pill, nor is it a complete guide to achieving a lightning-fast website. But it’s a start. It can help power your roadmap to a speedier experience on your site.

True web performance optimization is an ongoing journey. This checklist is a way to take your first step and embark on that journey with confidence.


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